Monday 5 June 2017

Professional Cleaning Methods for Marble & Other Natural Stone Surfaces

The Marble Man team caters to the marble and other natural stone cleaning and restoration requirements from expensive large mansions to high-rise luxury apartment buildings in GOLD COAST | BRISBANE | SUNSHINE COAST | NORTHERN NSW | TOOWOOMBA | SYDNEY | CANBERRA and around the nation. We also extend our stone care services to individual homes.

Here are some important tips for maintaining your outside stone paving:
  • Get your stone surfaces professionally cleaned and sealed once in a while.
  • Use only PH neutral cleaners designed for natural stone surfaces. Other cleaners available in the market can cause damage to your marble or other natural stone tiles. 
  • Blot, don’t wipe, accidental spills at the earliest. Acidic spills slowly enters into the stone through its porous surface and cause permanent stains.
  • Ensure thorough cleaning once in a year with approved stone mould remover.
  • At many instances, pot plants happened to be the main source of stains. Several minerals and chemicals drain out of the pots, so it’s better to keep collector trays underneath them. Also, keep the pot plants raised above the stone surfaces.
  • Do not place metal appliances and instruments on the stone surfaces because rust can stain the stone tiles or marble worktops.
  • Leaves accumulated on the stone pavements can eventually spoil the stone surfaces as they decay. Regularly remove the leaves.

We at The Marble Man use specific stone cleaning products to suit to the type and quality of your stone materials. Each stone surface may present a unique cleaning problem and has to be treated accordingly. 

For stone tile floors cleaning, we use 3 different cleaning methods to achieve the best result possible. These are chemical, abrasion, and heat methods of stone cleaning.  These three tile cleaning processes are often used in conjunction to give you amazing results. 

Get a free quote on natural stone Cleaning, Sealing, Polishing and Repair by calling us on 1300 627 626.

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