Monday 17 July 2017

Know Your Natural Stone Surface and Its Maintenance Needs

Natural stone symbolises gorgeousness that has existed since time immemorial and your home or office decor can be enhanced with the same lustrous beauty if you look after your stone well. Occasional cleaning and restoration by stone care professionals in Australia will keep their natural shine intact.

Types of Natural Stones
Siliceous stone is a type of natural stone that includes granite, slate, sandstone, brownstone and quartzite. marble, travertine, limestone and onyx are calcareous natural stones and are different from siliceous stones. 

If you happen to be living in the house since a long time you already know what kind of stone is laid on your floor or kitchen countertop.  However, if you have just acquired a new home or office space you should get in a professional natural stone restoration specialist or supplier to help you recognize the stone type as each stone surface requires different cleaning agents and measures to maintain the glossy look. 

Characteristics of Different Stone Surfaces
Each type of stone has its own porosity level which makes some stones more sensitive than others. Siliceous stones are easier to maintain as they are more durable and are not easily scratched as compared to calcareous natural stones. The former will tolerate cleaning with an acidic cleaner but the latter will be ruined even if lemon juice, vinegar or other acids come in touch with it even briefly.  

Check for these clear signs that hint to the poor condition of your natural stone
  • Uneven or cracked tiles
  • Staining
  • Worn off topical sealer
  • Fading of gloss and shine
These important signs are pointers to the health of your natural stone and indicators that tell you why they are losing their brilliance and what needs to be done to restore their beauty. 

Uneven tiles mean that the floor below could need leveling, grounding or even honing. Sand, dust, grit and dirt that accumulate in the cracks on natural stones are its worst enemies as these cause abrasions on the surfaces making the stone lose its natural sheen. Stains and spills on floors and countertops are an indication which could point to topical sealing wearing off on the stone making it look dull and lifeless. Resealing could be required to effectively restore the spill and stain resistant potential of natural stone and give it back its glossy looks. 

Check for any loose and cracked caulk (sealant) in bathrooms or swimming pools as water seeping into the natural stone can change its colour and texture.  

If natural stone has given your homes and offices the perfect finish, it follows that the responsibility to maintain that finesse falls on you so you can enjoy the compliments and feel proud of those beautiful spaces.

Contact today Australia's No.1 stone repair and restoration specialist for professional stone care and maintenance. Dial now for a free call: 1300 627 626.

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